Time for Inclusion

Making work a place where everyone belongs

Business review through an Inclusion lens

If you’ve had feedback which makes you question whether your culture’s as good as you thought it was or you’re beginning to think you need to do more to attract and retain talent, now is the time to act. Every journey starts with a single step and we start where you are. As long as you are open to change and some uncomfortable conversations we can help you to incorporate Inclusion into your business strategy; identify non-inclusive practices; and develop actions to improve Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in your organisation. Once we’ve uncovered the issues we can help you to find people with lived experience and relevant expertise both inside and outside of your organisation to help with executing the action plan.

Support for Small Businesses

Do you feel you might be missing out on new clients or customers? Do all your clients/customers look like you? We would love to help you review your business through an inclusion lens, so the widest range of potential clients/customers can be confident you and your employees will welcome them and make them feel valued.

Have you lost good employees or are you struggling to attract new employees and you’re not sure why? The culture of your business has a significant impact on the happiness and effectivity of your employees, and the success of your business depends on those people. We would love to help you examine your company culture, to find out how you can make your company a great place to work.

Give Jane a ring on 01278 325483, or email jane@time4inclusion.co.uk for more information. 

Lived Experience

The value of personal stories should not be underestimated, and while everyone’s experience is unique there are common issues experienced by most people in a disadvantaged group. Our emphasis is to create solutions without placing the workload on those currently disadvantaged by your culture or processes.